I like my podcasts like I like my men ... Blacklisted.
Start listening at 31:20!
Start listening at 31:20!
I like my podcasts like I like my men ... Blacklisted.
Start listening at 31:20!
Watch François' codpiece get a mouthful of Dave from the Suit Up Podcast!
Cole Rush from The Quill to Live did me the honor of reviewing my book, and boy, it seemed like it provided quite a rush!
Cole describes There's Seamen on the Poop-Deck! as "a genre defining literary benchmark," says it's definitely a book worth staying in bed for, and gives it 9 out of 10 inches. Read the review here.
François' antics usually take place in the back row, but this time The Front Row wanted to give us a shot! #giantgangbangofnerds
As a promo for Sound on Sound Fest, François joined the 2 Knights Show podcast. And it. Was. Fabulous. The first ten minutes are an excerpt from There's Seamen on the Poop-Deck!, and the interview begins after that.
The folks at Boomstick Comics gave me some love at Wizard World Austin. There's no love quite like the love you get from your Boomstick.
Merci to Shooting Blanks Entertainment for shooting their blanks in my direction! May there be much more shooting to ... um ... come.
July 2019
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